Thursday, August 6, 2009

PDA Keyboards: Making your Handheld more of a mini PC

- How does it work?

a. Connects to handheld devices or PDA’s

b. They basically serve as an extension of a PDA while the PDA, when connected to a keyboard, serves as sort of the main computer and monitor

- Who are the leading providers for the said device?

a. Palm

b. Blackberry

- How does it differ from other similar devices?

a. It is only compatible for handheld devices

b. It may be connected via a cord and it may also be cordless

c. Its functionality is low compared to normal PC keyboards since PDAs don’t require as much commands as PCs do

- What is the device used for? Inputting and controlling demands for PDAs

- Are there other possible uses for the device aside from what it is designed for? à it doesn’t seem as though PDA keyboards are flexible with their use since they are very limited to PDA connectivity

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